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LED plant lighting: short-term block, future can be expected


From chip manufacturers to packaging suppliers, and then to power enterprises and terminal manufacturers, plant lighting has become one of the key layout directions of LED enterprises.

And this layout also promoted the performance of related enterprises. LEDinside, the photonics research division of TrendForce, a consultancy, found that most companies enjoyed stellar revenue in the first half of this year thanks to plant lighting.

However, since the third quarter of 2021, LED red chips for plants have been squeezed out by demand from the automotive and infrared LED markets, especially in high-order chips.

At the same time, the power driven IC is still out of stock, the delayed shipping schedule and North America's crackdown on illegal indoor cannabis growers also affect the shipment performance of terminal products, causing some LED plant lighting manufacturers to slow down their production plans and material stocking efforts.

The rapid development of plant lighting has cast a shadow. The future is the wind and snow, breaking the ice forward, or stop in time, stop as soon as possible? In order to understand the layout and strategy of enterprises, LEDinside conducts in-depth communication with first-line enterprises on the pain points, difficulties and market development trends of plant lighting.

Traditional lighting VS plant lighting: higher requirements, higher thresholds

LED plant lighting is very different from traditional lighting, mainly in the use of scenes, performance, technology and other aspects, which also makes LED plant lighting has a higher industry threshold.

1. Technical threshold. Plant lighting drive is developing towards higher power. At present, the power supply in the market has reached 1200W, which may be increased again in the future, which poses a great challenge to the design and production capacity of high-power drive of new manufacturers.

2. Intelligent design threshold. Plants need different light in different growth stages, and the control of light is the intelligent control of power supply.

3. Market threshold. It is reported that both the product quality and the enterprise itself are facing the problem of customer trust and recognition, if there is no appropriate entry point, customers will not rashly to import a new manufacturer as a supplier.

The input-output ratio becomes the terminal focus of attention

LEDinside, a photoelectric research office under TrendForce Group Consulting, found that the recognition and acceptance of LED plant lighting technology by terminal growers has reached a high level, and the willingness to use LED plant lighting is increasingly strong. However, the early input of LED plant lighting is high, and the input-output ratio has become the main concern of terminal growers.

Tiandian Photoelectric points out that in the application scenario of plant lighting, electricity charge accounts for the highest proportion of customer expenditure. Therefore, the difficulty of promotion at present focuses on how to balance the contradiction between short-term cost increase and long-term benefit release.

Jinko Electronics pointed out that LED plant lighting has a great prospect. In addition to emerging products, traditional growers will also use LED to replace traditional lighting. But LED plant lighting is a major concern for farmers because of its high one-time cost and long payback period.

In addition, Jinko Electronics also pointed out that the main market for LED plant lighting is overseas, which is affected by various factors such as cost, planting area, crop maturity, and local environment. But at the same time, the domestic market is gradually developing, the future with the progress of LED technology and people's unremitting pursuit of quality, the domestic market will gradually develop.

According to reports, plant lighting is developing in the direction of specialization, high efficiency and intelligence, but LED plant lighting quality manufacturers are mainly concentrated in foreign countries, the layout of domestic manufacturers is not very obvious. On the one hand, the domestic plant lighting industry is in the early stage of development, and the products are still mainly low-end products for export; On the other hand, due to the low input-output ratio of domestic plant factories and the high price of output products, it has also become the main obstacle for LED enterprises to develop plant lighting.

In addition, the lack of industry standards is also a difficult problem to be solved in the promotion of plant lighting.

Lideda believes that the establishment of plant lighting industry standards will play a very important role in the standardization of the plant lighting industry and the guidance of the technical direction, which can avoid enterprises going in the wrong direction and reduce the waste of social resources. In addition, the establishment of industry standards can also enhance end-user trust in plant lighting products, thereby accelerating the adoption of plant lighting fixtures in the downstream planting market.

Ruifeng Photoelectric also pointed out that plant lighting is a multidisciplinary technical field, and the industry lacks unified standards. At the same time, compared with conventional lighting, plant lighting needs to be combined with the actual needs of customers and use scenarios, etc., and the actual verification and introduction cycle of a reasonable and efficient scheme is also long.

There is no doubt that the establishment of plant lighting industry standards will help promote the orderly development of the whole field of plant lighting, but the establishment of industry standards can not be completed overnight.

Short-term block, the future can be

Food is the priority of the people. Food is an essential part of human survival and development. LED plant lighting solves the influence and limitation of climate, geography and space on plant growth, and can accelerate plant growth and reduce the use of chemical substances in a scientific way, so as to achieve "food is safety first". In addition, LED plant lighting naturally has the attributes of environmental protection and energy saving, which is an extremely important part of smart agriculture with science and technology as the core.

It is worth noting that although LED plant lighting has bright prospects for development, its short-term development is hampered by both internal and external factors.

On the one hand, LED plant lighting still has many problems.

At present, the industry has insufficient understanding of the core growth factors of different plants, for example, the optimal demand for spectra of different crops at different growth stages still needs further research.

At the same time, it is not easy to integrate more advanced intelligent control systems into existing lamps.

Khalid said, the lamps and lanterns of single lead is not the sole dimension of customer care, LED lighting lamps and lanterns of competition has been from a single plant competition into double track fusion system of lamps and lanterns, this to have no experience in the field of intelligent control for traditional lamps and lanterns of vendors is a big challenge, and to have the advantage of intelligent control system manufacturer of lamps and lanterns, It's a great opportunity.

Hon think god remit, plant lighting light quality, light very strong demand of intelligent control, therefore, in a variety of monochromatic spectrum increase intelligent control system, realize time-sharing control, light control, and according to the growth status of plant timely adjust light qualitative light output is bound to become the main trend of the future plant lighting technology development.

Trillion chi semiconductor pointed out that the plant lighting red chips with high quality requirements, different vendors on the red light plant lighting product design, extension and chip technology has a unique solution collocation, this is the core technology manufacturers, and the appropriate, reasonable collocation, with the downstream packaging and gradually improve the solutions in the process of set up closer ties. LED plant lighting naturally has the attributes of environmental protection and energy saving. In the future, the market game will be more intense, and technology precipitation and breakthrough are also crucial. In the future, the company will continue to deepen the field of plant lighting, and overcome technical and cost difficulties through the combination of automation, scale, information technology and technology standardization. This is also one of the major trends in the future of the plant lighting industry.

Talent is also the short board of LED plant lighting. Ruifeng photoelectric pointed out that environmental monitoring, light source sensing and control, nutrient solution monitoring and replenishment, plant growth monitoring and output of crop production and marketing logistics all need their own intelligent control and monitoring systems, and the communication and integration between industries is closer, so smart agriculture is in urgent need of compound talents.

On the other hand, the external environment of LED plant lighting is not very fertile soil.

The same side believes that in the face of the global food crisis and the development of smart agriculture, the future trend of the plant lighting market will become normal development, but in the short term, the policy guidance of the international market has a greater impact on the plant lighting market.

Lide Da also pointed out that the homogeneity of plant lighting products is serious, and overseas customers have many choices, it is difficult to get customers' attention, and the market competition is very fierce. At the same time, overseas epidemic is still relatively serious, the company is difficult to approach customers to expand the market.


Major manufacturers actively carry out systematic research and layout. While improving the technical parameters such as LED light efficiency, we can better understand plant physiology and other professional knowledge through cross-border cooperation or the establishment of biological research laboratories, so as to better integrate intelligent control technology and promote the industrial development of plant lighting.

It is undeniable that LED plant lighting technology can shorten the maturity period of crops, improve the quality of crops, enhance the taste of crops, and help end growers to reduce production costs. In the future, under the requirements of ensuring food safety, people will shorten the food supply chain through the development of indoor farming agriculture, vertical farm investment and construction, and the global plant lighting LED market size will continue to rise.

At the same time, with the long-term introduction of LED lighting equipment by greenhouse growers and emerging vertical farm growers, and the trend that the cost of LED lamps is expected to decline, it can further enhance the willingness of more indoor growers to replace traditional products with LED lamps, which has become an important key to promote the growth of the future plant lighting LED market.

LEDinside, optoelectronic research office of TrendForce Group, believes that thanks to the policy promotion of various countries and the wholesale introduction of LED plant lighting equipment into the North American medical and recreational cannabis cultivation market, the global plant lighting LED market will show explosive growth in 2020, with an output value of US $301 million, an annual increase of 57%. This wave of growth momentum will continue into 2021, with output estimated to reach $399 million this year, an annual increase of 33%.


At present, the traditional lighting business is gradually approaching the ceiling, LED plant lighting has become a new niche for the development of enterprises.

At present, the LED lighting plants is in bud, but we believe that the imbalance of the population growth, insufficient arable land, cultivated land, food safety, environmental pollution, climate change and other external factors, the effect of further mature plants and LED lighting technology, further falls in the cost of internal factors such as drive, LED lighting plants will be booming, To bring better health and quality to all mankind.

Article credit: LEDinside Lynn. If there is infringement, please contact this site to delete.

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